Form: Flower
Sativa: 80/20
Strain: Sour Diesel
Grower: Deep Roots Harvest

Close-up image of the Sour Diesel flower.
Appearance – I have never heard of Sour Diesel being purple. This would probably get a 4.5 on appearance if the purple was not present. With that said, the appearance is really nice with tightly packed crystals. There are zero amber trichomes and an even mix of clear and milky heads.
Aroma – Aroma is really nice but does not have the traditional “diesel” smell that Sour Diesel is known for. I detect a faint sour smell but sweet citrus is the dominant smell for this batch coming from Deep Roots. This would probably get a 4.5 on aroma, but the lack of Diesel smell gets downgraded for not being more apparent.
Taste – I was underwhelmed by the taste and flavor of this Sour D. The flavor and smoke were not smooth, with a medium burn. The flavor is of pepper and citrus.
Potency – Potency is really nice, will definitely lift you up without
shooting you past the clouds into the atmosphere.
Effect – Don’t let the 80/20 sativa score scare you, this isn’t racey by any
means. This is a nice uplifted and clear heady high. This is especially nice
when this strain does not induce any feelings of anxiety.
Duration – Standard 1.5-2.0 hours
Overall – Really nice high with an
uplifting and positive outlook. This is the kind of medicine that’s going to
make you feel right as rain. Somehow it's uplifting yet still relaxing. There’s
zero anxiety, just a nice, lifted, clear, heady high.

Macro close-up image of the Sour Diesel flower.
Euphoria: Med
Happiness: Med
Relaxed: Low
Uplifted: High
Creative: Med
Munchies*: None
Dry eyes: Low
Dry mouth: Low
Anxiousness: None
(*Hopegrown note: Munchies may be considered a positive effect if you need to increase your appetite.)
Appearance: 4/5
Aroma: 4/5
Taste: 2/5
Potency: 3.5/5
Effect: 4.5/5
Duration: 3.5/5
Price: 4.5/5
Overall: 26/35
Good For:
Day time medicating
Hiking/Being outdoors
Final Thoughts:
The good – Appearance, to the naked eye this looks really nice! Looking under the microscope you see SUPER tightly packed crystals with mostly clear heads.
The bad – Taste, which was not pleasant.
The amazing – The effect! Really high functioning.
Final score: B