At Infused Digital, you never know who you will run into at the studio, as we continue to enforce COVID mask polices, the soft-spoken voices of giants can't stay hidden in our hallways. If, you have ever wanted to "feel" the true definition of being "high off of life" Mr. Williams, will not disappoint you.
His aura is felt as soon as he walks in the door and his humbleness right down to his Vans footwear will let you know - he's either going to be "spot on" with your astrology chart or challenge you on a gaming console of his choice...or both.
It was a pleasure to meet Ricky Williams, the man behind RW Wellness Herbal. Let's talk about High Jinx, meeting Mr. Williams.

High Jinx was filmed at Cannabis Capitol, a division of Infused Digital with host Adam Ill and Co-Host Angela Mazzanti both sat down with Ricky Williams (@williams), former professional NFL player and got to hear how cannabis impacted his life.
We saw clips from the #CannabisCommunity and the #NFL and learned how he went from being the best running back in history, to losing over $10 million at the height of his career for smoking weed. Check out what #RickyWilliams had to share on Episode 2 of #HighJinx.

Cannabis Capitol
is a division of Infused Digital a full-service marketing and content creation agency headquartered in Los Alamitos, California specializing in crafting and implementing marketing communication programs, producing original video and digital content, developing social media presence and delivering lifestyle channel programming.
Since its founding in 2007, Infused has developed successful campaigns for a variety of industries, including: cannabis and CBD, art and culture, entertainment, festivals and events, real estate, and small businesses. Currently, the company has achieved more than 67 million unique views of its digital content and counting.
For more information, visit
#cannabiscommunity #cannabisshow #cannabiscapitoltv #cannabisevent #adamill #angelamazzanti #cannabiscapitolnetwork #rickywilliams #nfl #runningback #history #cannabisadvocate #movie #reallife #truestory #williams #explore #weed #passion #biggesthits #sportcelebrationfails #stonerathletes #productivestoners
Special thanks to @angela_mazzanti @gethigheverywhere