During the month of April, Autism Awareness month, my cannabis and autism parents will take over my blogs to provide our viewers with a front row view of being a special needs parent in 2021.
Today, we are starting with gratitude. I am grateful to have been my son Joey’s mother, even on the days when I questioned my faith.
The day I received this email, it was clear that my son had been training me for one of the most rewarding titles I hold today, an autism advocate.
Email from parent...
Hello Ms. Mieko,
Prior to our council with you regarding our son’s treatment, our family was experiencing a number of daily challenges regarding the overall temperament with our son’s behavior.
Several years ago, our son was diagnosed with ADHD, and over the years he has taken a series of several clinical medications prescribed to assist with his ADHD disorders.
As the years past, our son became miserable with the clinical medications that he was taking, and he blatantly refused to continue his medication. He often began stating that he didn’t like the way the meds made him feel.
He made a very serious assertion to his dad that if we continued to force him to take the prescribed medication that it could possibly result into something negative.

When we decided to stop his medication it resulted with him
failing academically and triggered emotional behavior that was
extremely negative and dark. Needless to say, his dad and I along with
our entire family were experiencing distress, negative turmoil along
with a sense of faithless hope on a daily basis.
We didn’t know what to do and how we could best help our son. During a conversation with one of our family members (who did a lot of research regarding the use and effects of medical marijuana) your name was mentioned and the shared information led us to you.
And your story of how cannabis edibles was a breakthrough for your beautiful son Joey. We learned about your history of advocacy for medical marijuana treatments as an alternative treatment plan for various disabilities.
Thank God we reached out to you. Ms. Mieko you responded with open arms, a plan, and hope.
It has been about two months since our son has begun the journey with his cannabis treatment and he is experiencing a rapid turnaround!
Not only is he is performing better academically and socially, his overall emotional behavior is positive and he is experiencing a lot fewer negative days as he was able to express that to you in his own words.
God’s angel placed you in our path for a reason and although our family is not perfect, we are experiencing “good days” and continuous faith for "great days” to come.
Again thank you and please continue to allow God to lead you to help all that you can.
God Bless,
An Anonymous Mom