The PR MedCanBiz event was held December 18th and 19th, 2021 in San Juan Puerto Rico.
At the medical facility of Relax Medical, Dr. Jaime Claudio Villamil and the international healthcare ambassador and educator, Mieko Perez, joined forces to guide and certify minors and adolescents who qualified for treatment of symptoms with medical cannabis.

"We are all committed that the evaluation and recommendation to these minor patients has to be personalized in terms of formulation and dosage, says Dr Jaime Claudio, specialist and consultant, physician of the Family Department of the UPR.
"We will have a component of education and communication with specialists and families involved in the comprehensive care of these patients."
My collaboration with Dr. Claudio is based on the desire to create an educational and clinical program that fills the information and treatment gaps between conventional therapy and medical cannabis for Puerto Rico, the U.S. and other countries.

Walking into MedCanBiz this year, it was an honor to represent the
physicians in my family (on the island) and fulfill a social
responsibility to the communities I interact with via Zoom. It was a dream coming back home to collaborate with various medical professionals on
implementing a comprehensive autism and palliative care protocols that
I like to call, 'Joey’s Guidance.'
Located in the Plaza of the Americas, in the heart of Puerto Rico, I quickly realized the impactful cannabis journey of my son Joey. The event filled up over thirty consult seats with parents and caregivers every fifteen to thirty minutes over two days.
Alongside family medicine and media consultant, Dr. Jaime Claudio Villamil we certified over three hundred patients on the autism spectrum and terminal illness diagnosis.
As each family representative sat down for a consult, my role was to work in conjunction with the medical professional on site and articulate the “marker” dynamics that could be applied into a successful outcome with realistic expectations.

For a nonverbal child (Joey) to have made such an impact without saying a word to the cannabis industry other than “mom,” and seeing the families wait for hours to sit down with Dr. Claudio Villamil and myself, now a legal nurse consultant – it felt like Joey was sitting next me telling me, this is where we are needed...keep going.
I get it now…
This year with the assistance of Infinity International Medical Division (IIMD), a physician peer-to-peer medical professional network, the company supported our collaboration which is a IIMD member feature by providing doctor note pads that included the “Joey’s Guidance” format.
And we were successfully able to provide additional insight for the most appropriate timeline to compliment product dosing recommended by the product manufacturer and Dr. Jaime Claudio Villamil.

Highlights of the conference included meeting with dispensary representatives and cannabis and CBD companies (ideal alliance partners.) Mission accomplished! Thank you to all that participated includeing: B.Well Dispensary, WeedCo Dispensary, Apoteka Dispensary, Lion Rolling Circus, Revista Cronicas Magazine, Caribbean Hemp, My CBD Spot and TuMedicina.

In addition, Dr. Jaime Claudio Villamil received the MedCanBiz 2021 Award and was recognized for being one of the top doctors on the island.
The engineers behind Puerto Rico’s progressive economic and educational sectors are two phenomenal women. President of MedcanBiz and co-founder of Cannaworks Staffing, Noemi Perez and Executive Director of MedCanBiz, Ingrid Schmidt .
Their commitment to the emerging cannabis industry that is bringing medical professionals and families back to the island can be seen in every town on the island that now has a dispensary. Their recipe for success is the “soul” of the industry on the island I call home.
In spring 2022, I will officially have a Puerto Rico satellite office ,for alliance inquires please email: .