This week I had the pleasure of having breakfast at Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles with an amazing athlete, as we discussed: international travels, family, finances, and his passion for holistic alternatives.
He gained a new fan that day. Standing at a solid six feet six inches…it was hard for anyone inside the restaurant to walk pass him without saying “where do you play ball…"
Robert L. Griffin, Jr was raised in Ypsilanti, Michigan and started playing basketball as young as four years old.
Griffin Jr attended Belleville High School in Michigan were he became an All-State athlete and an alternate in the McDonald's All-American Game. He later played in the Pan-American Games and won the most valuable player award!
Robert went on to play in the National Junior College Athletic Association at Southeastern, where he became an All-American and a top scorer. He later continued his basketball journey at the University of Iowa were he
was a pre-season All American.
In the Big Ten Conference he was one of the top scorers in the and afterwards had an opportunity to see the world through his love for basketball.
He played overseas in South Korea, England, Germany etc. and came back to the CBA, NBA D LEAGUE, Harlem Globetrotters and then the NBA!
After his basketball career, Griffin Jr. forayed into business by launching custom shoe line called, Amantes. Robert was also asked to appear in independent television productions related to healthy lifestyles.
In addition to sharing his holistic lifestyle, his passion for wellness led him to roles as a consultant and business marketing strategic advisor.
These days, Robert serves as an advisor for the John Daly Collection (professional golfer's CBD brand) and Vlasic Labs. Both companies are rightfully positioned in the growing cannabis & CBD markets.
Let’s Welcome Robert Griffin Jr to Hopegrown!

What is your personal story and mission that motivated you take interest in CBD products?
What piqued my interest in CBD products was my aversion to prescription pain pills. As a former professional athlete, I was familiar with different pharmaceuticals options and
having to take prescription drugs for headaches, sprained ankles, and other ailments. But they were mainly over-the-counter drugs (OTC).
There were times when OTC drugs were not working and I did not address the pain for long periods of time. I eventually started consuming more medication. I then started looking into other pain treatment alternatives that worked in conjunction with my current pain medications to treat chronic headaches and stomach pain.
During my initial research, I stumbled onto an amazing article about cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain.
This propelled me into my journey with CBD treatments. I wanted to be a part of this incredible growth we are seeing in the cannabis industry today. This emerging market is empowering my generation, my community and providing more opportunities for generational wealth through business leadership in a ground breaking industry.
As a former professional NBA player do you see CBD products being normalized in sports medicine?
Yes, I definitely can see CBD treatments being normalized in sports medicine!
As a former NBA player, I can say that players are taking more interest in CBD treatments and researching how it can be effective treating their muscle and joint recovery regiment, especially life after basketball.
Other former and current professional NBA players embracing CBD are: Klay Thompson, Al Harrington, and Allen Iverson.

What kind of cannabis research is needed that has not been covered yet?
As cannabis and CBD products continue to present properties that support our endocannabinoid systems we are on the right path to more researchers getting involved on a global stage. Where I would like to see more research being done is with PTSD treatment options and with sports medicine.
The possibilities of how CBD can help veterans and extend an athlete’s career is something to be excited about.
What is the best advice you can give to a first-time CBD user?
For the first time user, I would recommend doing your research.
Start by asking questions about different ratios, delivery methods and find reliable resources like Hopegrown, media from the Cannabis Broadcast Station or join organizations like Infinity International Medical Division.
CBD may not be for everyone, but it has worked for me. You may have to try different doses and products to find which one is for your individual needs and body.