Donnie P., an entrepreneur and native of Jeanerette, Louisiana, realized early in his professional business career that he was equipped with the necessary drive and determination that would allow him to start businesses—from the ground up—without any money.
He used these tools and, immediately upon graduation from Southern University A & M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he established Community Case Management, an adolescent substance abuse counseling service. Soon after, he would also create Preventive Medical Services, a community-based medical health center.
Later on in 2007, Donnie P. would hone his entrepreneurial knowledge and skills by founding A Plus Home Care Services, a non-medical, in-home health company that focuses on elder and support.
He credits the success of A Plus Home Care Services to his unparalleled motivation and perseverance. During A Plus Home Care Services’ infancy, he assumed every role that was required to effectively run the business. He became an expert in the areas of finance, sales, marketing, and operations.

Today, with over 20 years of experience, Donnie is guided by his unwavering faith in God and desire to develop business platforms that will uplift others. He is currently founder and CEO of OSD Holdings, LLC, which is a cannabis dispensary owner/partner of Greenleaf Dispensary in Houma Louisiana.
He launched A Caring Home Services’ national franchise rollout in the middle of 2012. In August of 2013, he sold his first of many franchises to Karl and Beverley Stephens, LLC out of Nashville, Tennessee. A Caring Franchise was sold in 2019.
In 2014 Donnie P. Authored his first business book titled, How to Catch a Mouse with No Cheese. It was written for people who either have been in business for up to a year or are interested in starting a business, but do not have money.
It discusses five life-changing principles that will help you succeed. Each principle has its own basis for preparing you to get your business up and growing with no money.

Since its launch, the book has been sold worldwide. He has conducted interviews here in the U.S., Great Britain, and Australia. The Donnie P. Official YouTube channel is extremely popular and one of his interviews has gone viral! His book has been reviewed by the Midwest Book Review and Blue Ink Review all to glowing reviews.
What is your personal story and mission that motivated you to work with cannabis?
I have been an entrepreneur since I was 21 years old and I have always been in the healthcare field. My mission in life has been to help people with their health and to help them become entrepreneurs as well.
So, when this opportunity arose to become part of the cannabis industry in Louisiana, my brother and I decided to get into the business and help people with all their healthcare needs.
Do you think cannabis education for medical professionals and healthcare providers is lacking in Louisiana?
The education of cannabis was lacking among the healthcare professionals at first since we started but now it's catching up because of the patients telling their doctors on how much cannabis has helped their medical condition.

What kind of cannabis research is needed that hasn't been covered yet?
More research is needed on the cannabis plant to discover all of its healing power because it has so many. We have only scratched the surface on how much healing power the herb has which can help so many people.
Where do you see Greenleaf dispensaries in five years making an impact?
In five years, we envision Green Leaf Dispensary operating in several states and bringing other budding entrepreneurs into the industry.
What is the best advice you can give to a first-time cannabis user walking into Greenleaf Dispensary?
Well, for a first-time cannabis user that walks into our dispensary, they speak with our board-certified pharmacist to discuss the health benefits of cannabis after a recommendation from their doctor. With that knowledge, they are ready to enjoy the benefits of cannabis for their symptoms.
Louisiana has not allowed for flower to be purchased; do you see this guideline being changed in the future?
We just passed the flower bill in Louisiana this month during the legislative session and it will help so many more people in Louisiana, so we are very proud of both Democrats and Republicans working together to get this passed. There is a bright future for cannabis in Louisiana!